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Exclamatory sentences are used to express strong emotions, such as excitement, surprise, or anger. They often end with an exclamation mark to convey the intensity of the emotion.

Structure of Exclamatory Sentences

Exclamatory sentences typically follow one of two structures:

  • "What ( a/an) (adjective) noun (subject verb)!"

    Example: "What a beautiful day it is!"

  • "How (adjective/adverb) (subject verb)!"

    Example: "How amazing the performance was!"

  • Examples of Exclamatory Sentences

    Here are some examples of exclamatory sentences:

    • "What a lovely surprise this is!"
    • "How fast he runs!"
    • "What incredible talent she has!”
    • "How beautiful the fireworks are!"
    • "What a delicious meal we had!"

    Usage and Punctuation

    Exclamatory sentences express a strong emotion and are punctuated with an exclamation mark. When writing an exclamatory sentence, it's important to convey the appropriate level of emotion through both the choice of words and the use of punctuation.

    Expressing Emotions

    Exclamatory sentences can convey a wide range of emotions, including joy, surprise, anger, admiration, and more. By using this type of sentence, you can add emphasis and intensity to your speech or writing.

    Remember to use exclamatory sentences sparingly to ensure that their impact is felt when they are used.