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Title: Introduction of South Korean High School Exchange Student


South Korea has become a popular destination for high school exchange students seeking to immerse themselves in its rich culture, advanced educational system, and vibrant society. As a high school exchange student from South Korea, you bring a unique perspective and cultural richness to your host country. Below is a comprehensive introduction highlighting various aspects of a South Korean high school exchange student's profile in English.

Personal Information:


[Your Name]


[Your Age]


[Your Gender]


South Korean

Home City:

[Your City in South Korea]

Educational Background:

Current Grade:

[Grade Level in South Korean High School]

Previous School:

[Name of Previous School in South Korea]

Academic Interests:

[Subjects of Interest or Strengths]

Cultural Background:

Language Proficiency:

Korean: Native Speaker

English: Proficient (TOEFL/IELTS Score if applicable)

Cultural Activities:

Participation in Traditional Korean Dance/Music (if applicable)

Knowledge of Korean History, Arts, and Customs

Exchange Program Details:

Host Country:

[Name of Host Country]

Host School:

[Name of Host School]

Duration of Exchange:

[Start Date to End Date]

Interests and Hobbies:


[Favorite Sports or Activities]


[Hobbies such as Painting, Music, or Drama]


[Interest in Tech Gadgets or Programming]

Other Hobbies:

[Any Additional Interests or Hobbies]

Expectations and Goals:

Academic Goals:

Excel in Host Country's Educational System

Explore New Subjects and Academic Opportunities

Cultural Goals:

Immerse in Host Country's Culture and Language

Share South Korean Culture with Host Community

Personal Development Goals:

Build Lifelong Friendships

Gain Independence and SelfConfidence


As a South Korean high school exchange student, you embody the spirit of cultural exchange and international understanding. Your journey is not only about academic achievements but also about fostering crosscultural friendships and embracing new experiences. Through your participation in the exchange program, you contribute to the global community and pave the way for mutual respect and appreciation among nations.

This introduction serves as a comprehensive overview of a South Korean high school exchange student's profile, encompassing personal, educational, cultural, and experiential aspects. It provides a glimpse into the diverse background and aspirations of an individual embarking on a transformative journey of crosscultural exchange.